Lama tak bersiaran.. gaya busy sangat kan ? =D
Ada banyak cerita nak update tapi takde masa nak mengarang =D..
So kali ni just post resipi aje eh.. makanan korea lagi aci? hehe.. kalau saya pos makanan melayu, korang mesti dah terror sangat kan? malu nak pos resipi yang entah hape2 hehe...
So kali ni pasal doenjang jjigae.. ni memang common makanan untuk Korean. Tanyala mane2 sure ade bende ni.. kalau tengok drama Korea pun mesti korang perasan diorang ade makan stew ni..
Saya dah beberapa kali masak ni.. mula2 buat dulu takleh nak telan sebab pelik lak rasa die. Mungkin sebab tak ngam ngan rasa doenjang (된장) tu. 된장 ni sebenarnya fermented soy bean, rasa ala2 tauchoo tapi jenis dah kisar punye.. Tapi lepas makan kat GoongJeong (궁정) aritu, rasa 된장찌개 diorg tak sama la, lagi ok. Lepas check balik rupenya nak kene rebus ikan bilis & 된장 tu lama sikit, baru ok.. but still husband kurang minat 된장찌개 ni.
Just saya, Husna & Aliff aje yang ok.. suka hati laaaa =D
So kali ni pasal doenjang jjigae.. ni memang common makanan untuk Korean. Tanyala mane2 sure ade bende ni.. kalau tengok drama Korea pun mesti korang perasan diorang ade makan stew ni..
Saya dah beberapa kali masak ni.. mula2 buat dulu takleh nak telan sebab pelik lak rasa die. Mungkin sebab tak ngam ngan rasa doenjang (된장) tu. 된장 ni sebenarnya fermented soy bean, rasa ala2 tauchoo tapi jenis dah kisar punye.. Tapi lepas makan kat GoongJeong (궁정) aritu, rasa 된장찌개 diorg tak sama la, lagi ok. Lepas check balik rupenya nak kene rebus ikan bilis & 된장 tu lama sikit, baru ok.. but still husband kurang minat 된장찌개 ni.
Just saya, Husna & Aliff aje yang ok.. suka hati laaaa =D

Recipe from : Maangchi
Deon Jang Chigae
(Bean paste and vegetable stew)
Ingredients:- 1 medium size potato
- a zucchini or a squash
- 1 medium size onion
- garlic
- 1 green chili pepper
- 7 dried anchovies
- 1 green onion
- 100-150 grams of tofu
- soy bean paste (doen jang)
- 4 shrimp
- Prepare a ceramic pot to put all the ingredients in.
- Peel the potato, cut it into 2 cups worth of cubes, and put them into the pot .
- Cut zucchini into 2 cups worth of cubes, and put them into the pot.
- Cut your onion into chunks, and put them into the pot.
- Slice your green chili pepper, and put it into the pot.
- Prepare 7 large dried anchovies by removing their heads and intestines, chop them up, and put them into the pot.
- Chop up 4 shrimp and put them into the pot.
- Mince 5 cloves of garlic and put it into the pot.
- Your pot will now be 2/3 full with your ingredients.
- Submerge everything in water and cook it over high heat.
*tip: Don’t put too much water, just enough to cover everything - When it starts boiling, add 4-6 tbs of bean paste, stir the stew, and keep cooking
- When the stew is sizzling and all ingredients are cooked, cut your tofu into cubes, chop up 1 green onion, and add them to the stew.
- Occasionally stir the boiling stew with a spoon.
- Serve it with a bowl of rice and other side dishes.
*tip: to check whether or not the ingredients are cooked, taste the potato.
ReplyDeleteaku suka sup!
tak pernah try korea nye.nasib baik umah ko jauh2..hehe.kalu tak,aku da kecek da..
macam sedao jew,,,.aku memang penggemar makanan korea beb