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saya memang subscribe artikel2 dari Babycenter. So boleh kata setiap minggu ada je artikel yang masuk inbox. Disebabkan saya ada letak tarikh lahir Husna dan Aliff kat profile, saya akan dapat artikel berkaitan toddler/baby pada umur Aliff dan Husna. Apa2 saja yang berkaitan contohnya perkembangan baby/toddler pada minggu/bulan tu, perangai2 anak, tips2 nak handle toddler/baby dll.. Foods that can be unsafe for your toddler
As your toddler grows, he'll be eager to sample food from your plate – and you'll be eager to add variety to his diet. But not all foods are safe for your child. Some still pose a choking hazard.
Foods to avoid: 12 to 24 months
Low-fat milk: Most young toddlers need the fat and calories of whole milk for growth and development. Once your child turns 2 (and if he doesn't have any growth problems), you can start giving him lower-fat milk if you like. (If your child is at risk for obesity or heart disease, however, the doctor may recommend introducing low-fat milk before age 2.)
Choking hazards to watch out for
Large chunks: Pea-size pieces of food are safest — they won't get stuck in your child's throat. Vegetables like carrots, celery, and green beans should be diced, shredded, or cooked and cut up. Cut fruits like grapes, cherry tomatoes, and melon balls into quarters before serving, and shred or cut meats and cheeses into very small pieces.
Small, hard foods: Nuts, popcorn, cough drops, hard candies, raisins, and other small dried fruit and seeds are potential choking hazards.
Sticky and soft foods: Avoid chewing gum and soft foods like marshmallows and jelly candies that might get lodged in your child's throat.
Peanut butter: Be careful not to give your toddler large dollops of peanut butter, which can be difficult to swallow. Instead, spread peanut butter thinly on bread or crackers. You might want to try thinning it with some applesauce before spreading it.
More choking prevention:
•Avoid letting your child eat in the car since it's hard to supervise while driving.
•If you're using a rub-on teething medication, keep a close eye on your toddler as it can numb his throat and interfere with swallowing.
Foods to avoid: 24 to 36 months
Choking hazards: Even though your child is becoming a more competent eater, there's still a chance he’ll choke on his food. Continue to avoid the choking hazards listed above, and discourage your child from eating while walking, watching TV, or doing anything else that might distract him from his meal.
Foods to avoid: age 3 and up
Choking hazards: Your child is a very competent eater now, but you should still be on the lookout for pieces of food that he could choke on. Keep cutting his food into small pieces, especially things like grapes and pieces of hot dog that could completely block his airway if inhaled.
Continue to avoid popcorn, whole nuts, and chewing gum, and discourage your child from eating when distracted.
The latest on children and allergies
Doctors used to recommend waiting until age 1 or even much later to introduce solid foods that are common allergens, especially with kids at risk for allergies. But the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has changed its tune, because studies show that these delays probably don't help keep allergies from developing.
It's still a wise idea, though, to introduce new foods gradually, waiting several days after each new menu item to make sure your child doesn't react to it. And if you believe that your child is likely to have food allergies -- for example, if allergies run in your family -- check with his doctor to determine the best strategy for introducing allergenic foods like eggs, milk, peanuts, wheat, soy, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish.
This article was reviewed by Stephen R. Daniels, chief of pediatrics at The Children's Hospital in Denver
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:: Aliff!! popia ni Aliff ni takleh makan okehh.. sebabnyee ni semua ummy yang punyaaa haha!! ::