Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Aliff Rayyan : Reverse Cycling kah?

hari ni lambat.. lambat yakmat. sampai kereta pun dah 7lebih.
(nota:jadual asal keluar rumah kol 6.30pg).
sampai kereta, letak Aliff kat carseat kat seat penumpang depan, bukak pintu belakang nak letak beg.. hadeii rupernye botol EBM yg aku bawak dari umah mak tertinggal kat tepi seat tu.. patutler mase simpan ebm dlm fridge aku tak jumpe botol tu..
habeh membazir 5oz huhuhu..

Semalam aku bawak 2 biji botol yang 5oz tu berisi EBM untuk bekal Aliff kat umah mak sepanjang waktu bekerja. bile balik rupanya Aliff minum 1 botol je means 5oz aje la..mak cakap Aliff banyak tido and main jer..minum kureng sket..

ermmm.. rasenye memang aku perasan lately ni Aliff menambah bilangan waktu night feedingnya. Sebelum sebelum ni Aliff biasenye minum sekali mase aku gi kat umah mak (nak amek die) and sekali lagi sebelum tido. Memang jarang sangat die terjaga tengah malam nak menyusu.. but lately memang rasenye 2-3kali gak mase tengah2 malam dia merengek nak menyusu but ape nak kesah? Aliff kan breastfeeding..senang ajer..tak susah2 nak bangun bancuh susu bagai.. ummy sentiasa berada bersama.

aku pikir kemungkinan Aliff ni mengalami reverse cycling

so apakah reverse cycling tu?
reverse cycling adalah keadaan apabila bb menyusu lebih kerap pada waktu malam berbanding siang.

kenapa berlakunya reverse cycling pada sesetengah bb?

1* Newborns may reverse cycle in the early days or weeks simply because they have their days and nights mixed up.
2* Distractible (and/or very active) babies or toddlers may nurse more at night to make up for missed or shortened nursing sessions during the day.
3* If mom is very distracted or busy during the day, baby may nurse more at night to make up for missed or shortened nursing sessions, or simply to get more uninterrupted time with mom.
4* If mom is away from baby during the day, baby may take just enough milk (by bottle or cup) to "take the edge off" his hunger, then wait for mom to return to get the bulk of his calories. Baby will typically nurse more often and/or longer than usual once mom returns. Some mothers encourage reverse cycling so they won't need to pump as much milk. Reverse cycling is common for breastfed babies who are away from mom part of the day, especially those just starting out with the bottle.

so dalam keadaan ni..aku fikir Aliff dalam kategori nombor 2 dan 4.
Aliff sekarang memang senang distracted walaupun masa BF. kalau dok kat depan tv, sure karang kepala nye tertoleh-toleh ke tv..sama gak kalau ade orang sekeliling bercakap ker..sebok nak nengok org hishh..
Mungkin lebih kepada nombor 4 sebab kalau aku sampai je umah mak, terus je merengek nak BF. sampai umah sendiri pun pastu nak BF sampai tertido..

apa yang aku perlu buat bile bb reverse cycle, (dalam kes Aliff kire isu no.4)?

If baby is reverse cycling and taking very little milk when mom is away at work:

1* Be patient. Try not to stress about it. Consider it a compliment - baby prefers you!
2* Use small amounts of expressed milk per bottle so there is less waste.
3* If you're worrying that baby can't go that long without more milk, keep in mind that some babies sleep through the night for 8 hours or so without mom needing to worry that baby is not eating during that time period. Keep an eye on wet diapers and weight gain to assure yourself that baby is getting enough milk.
4* Ensure that baby has ample chance to nurse when you're together.
5* If you prefer to pump less milk while you're away from baby, you may choose to encourage baby to reverse cycle.

~~untuk maklumat lebih lanjut, sila klik sini.

kalau mase aku jahil tentang BF ni tentu aku fikir die tak cukup susu, perlu topup ngan FM atau solid foods.. tapi kali ni aku pikir lain dah..

'takpe Aliff..ummy tak kesah pun Aliff nak BF berapa kali waktu malam.. ummy tau Aliff prefer ummy lebih sebab Aliff sayang ummmy kan.. i love u too =D'

"i'm happy ummy.."


  1. Aisyah lagi beberapa hari nak masuk 1thn. Masa dia 6bln ke bawah dulu memacam masalah saya dah hadapi..growth spurt, reverse cycling huh semua tu buat saya lebih gigih mengepam. Paling takut bila dia kene growth spurt masa 5bulan lebih....pernah le hantar 11 botol susu yang berisi 3oz dan 3.5oz. Kalau takat dia kuat nyusu malam tu saya boleh lagi ler..cuma badan le jadi penat sikit. Laaa ni alhamduillah 4 botolX3oz jer. Owh ni illieaza eh biasa nampak kat

  2. 11 botol? mak aii.. tak terpam rasenye.. camtu, stok banyak2 pun sure susut..silap2 kering kontang..harap2 saya dapat menghadapi semua cabaran2 tu..amiin..

    ye saya guna nama illieaza dalam SI. selalu baca tapi jarang nyampuk =D
